Just a Thought

Topic: All Give, But Some Give All, Keep It Real.

New Life is reading the gospel of Mark this month. During worship each week we will read together Mark 12:43-44. I want you to think on the part I have underlined in the following verses.

Mark 12:43-44, “Calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, “Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on.”

As Jesus is addressing the hypocrisy of the scribes, He has the disciples follow him into the Court of the Women. Jewish men could come into this court area, but no Gentiles were allowed. All around the dividing wall were 13 trumpet-shaped funnels acting as offering collection containers. Instead of dropping your money in the offering plate, you dropped it in one of these receptacles, where it would make a loud clattering noise depending on the size of your gift.

Jesus stopped there with his disciples and said, “Watch!” And as they watched, several rich folks came through and dropped bundles of coins down the trumpet’s mouth. You can imagine the sound that would make. And then this widow came up and dropped in her two cents. Jesus noted that she gave everything she had.

What is the difference between the chicken and the hog that provides the bacon and eggs we eat for breakfast? The hen which lays the eggs continues to go on with her life as laying eggs is just part of her routine. Day in and day out she can produce one egg after another. The hog remains alive until it gives its bacon. The hog’s gift is a one-time sacrificial gift that can never be undone. When he gives his bacon his life ends. You see, unlike the hen which can produce eggs daily, the hog only has one chance to provide bacon. The hog lives his “best life” until he reaches the appropriate weight for which his “best life” would be required. In order for us to have “real bacon” the hog must give up its life.

I want you to think of the hog as someone who is willing to give their all to God. This person is all in and is totally and unapologetically committed to God and gives Him their best. This person thinks of the things of God first, it’s never an afterthought.

The widow put in more with no doubt that God would not let her down. She is an example of real faith.

Question to ponder, “Are you giving God bacon or eggs?”

See you Sunday!

Dr. Scott Kallem